Faith Development
Sunday School for all Ages
We offer Sunday morning discipleship opportunities for all ages. This includes children and youth Sunday School as well as an adult group. By gathering in community for fellowship and discussion, we seek to grow our faith as followers of Jesus Christ. Aged-based classes are held from September through May during the 8:30 AM service; adults and children are invited to attend Celebration Worship together afterwards. On the first Sunday of the month from October through May, everyone meets at 9:45 AM for Celebrate Community, a time for all ages to work together on a project, mission, or learning event following the Unified Service at 8:30. There are no aged-based classes on those special Sundays.

Sunday School
9:30 AM Sundays (September through May)
10 AM Sundays (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Sunday school classes are offered for children and youth as part of the Community Quest experience.
Classes for school-age children (K-5th grade) are based on the workshop rotation model for Sunday school. Children experience the Old and New Testament and United Methodist theology by exploring new workshops each week in drama/puppetry, art, theater, computers, games, storytelling, and cooking. Children spend the first 15 minutes of class singing together with other K-5 students before going to their classrooms.
Middle school youth (6th-8th grade) are invited to participate in Crossroads youth group on Sunday mornings. Please visit our Youth Ministries Page. High school youth (9th-12th grade) also gather as a class for study and discussion during this time.
Adult Study Groups
Adult study groups offer additional opportunities to intentionally deepen our relationship with Christ in small group settings. On-going classes include Bible study at church on Wednesdays from 10-11 AM and via Zoom on Fridays from 10-11 AM.
During the school year, adults meet at 8:30 AM to discuss current events from a Christian perspective.
Short-term courses, including during Advent and Lent, are schedueled based on interest at various times.