Serving the Wider Community
As United Methodists, we believe the work of the church is the work of all the people. Each of us is called to participate and to put our faith into action. This means living into our promise to support the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.
We offer a number of opportunities to serve beyond our own congregation.
In Our Local and Regional Community
Angel Tree Ministry allows incarcerated parents to stay connected with their children by purchasing and delivering Christmas gifts in their name that they could not otherwise afford. For more information about Angel Tree, visit their website at prisonfellowship.org.
Community Banquet is a free meal program offered through the collaborative work of area churches. It is hosted at St. James Church in Menomonee Falls at 5:30 PM on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month. Neighbors chat and share with each other their joys and sorrows. Folks whose food budget doesn’t quite make it to the end of the month are welcome. Volunteers from our congregation handle setup and desserts, cleanup or cooking on a rotation of about 8 times per year.
Menomonee Falls Area Food Pantry gathers and distributes food to those with acute or chronic need who live in the greater Menomonee Falls area. They are located at N85W15382 Menomonee River Parkway and serve over 1800 people each year. Volunteers from our congregation help stack and sort food every 12th week. For more information about the pantry (including hours and donation needs), visit their website at fallsfoodpantry.org.
The Gathering provides ten to eleven meals each week, cooked on-site at four Milwaukee locations, to those who would otherwise go hungry. They also offer services associated with ending hunger and homelessness and work to educate the community on hunger issues. Volunteers from our congregation help prepare, serve and clean up the evening meal on the second Monday of each month at Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Milwaukee. For more information about The Gathering, visit their website at thegatheringswis.org.
Habitat for Humanity builds decent, affordable homes for families who are unable to purchase a home through traditional methods, with the goal of helping homeowners obtain self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty. Our congregation works with other sister churches in raising funds and providing labor to build at least one Habitat house in the inner city of Milwaukee each year. Although carpentry skills are a plus, we also need painters, “gofers,” and lunch providers. For more information about Habitat, visit their website at milwaukeehabitat.org.
PDF of Habitat for Humanity 2020 Drywall
Blessings in a Backpack partners with local businesses, churches, and organizations to ensure impoverished elementary school children are fed on the weekends throughout the school year. This is the primary mission opportunity for our Children’s Ministries. Using the donation list provided, children in our congregation raise money, donate food, and help pack food bags that are sent home with Menomonee Falls elementary students who may not have enough to eat. For more information about Blessings in a Backpack, visit their website at blessingsinwaukesha.org.
Rooted & Rising – Washington Park (formerly United Methodist Children’s Services) believes in the dignity, potential and worth of all people and is dedicated to helping individuals and families meet their basic needs, establish stable foundations, and pursue their dreams. They are united in their mission to build a nurturing, thriving community where all people feel welcome, supported and a sense of belonging. Visit them at https://www.rootedandrisingwp.org/
Northcott Neighborhood House supports family stability, provides educational and recreational programs for youth, lessens neighborhood tensions, combats community deterioration, and provides various social services for the residents of Milwaukee’s Harambee and surrounding neighborhoods. Learn more at https://northcotthouse.org/
In the World
Mujila Falls Agriculture Center (Zambia, Africa) is a project of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. The center is dedicated to improving the lives of the local people by teaching sustainable agricultural practices, providing nutritious food, and fostering self-sustaining work. Our congregation contributes an annual stipend to support this important mission outreach. For more information about Mujila Falls, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.
Youth Missions offer youth of our congregation the opportunity to participate in mission trips each year that help grow their faith through servanthood to others. While on their trip, a blog is updated each day with news, stories, and pictures to keep loved ones at home up-to-date.
For more information about youth missions, visit our Youth Ministries page.
Adult Missions offer adults of our congregation the opportunity to participate in mission trips and events locally as well as around the world. We often partner with other congregations or ministries to further our reach and strengthen our ability to serve others.
World Communion Scholarship program supports aspiring scholars and practitioners from among our partners across the globe, and as such, it supports candidates who have both individual financial need and who come from community contexts where people are marginalized, challenged and oppressed. The program particularly hopes to support students who show strong desire to become developing leaders in the church. Visit them at https://advance.umcmission.org/.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing. As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR strengthens and transforms people and communities. Visit their website at https://www.umcmission.org/umcor to learn how you can help.
Church World Services Blankets and Tools program by UMCOR provides financial support for a variety of projects that provide food and water, as well as resources that empower people to meet their own needs. The program aims to garner support from congregations to provide basic emergency supplies, as well as tools and resources for long-term recovery and development to communities in need. Learn how you can help by visiting their website at https://cwsblankets.org/.
Becas con Bendiciones program is designed to provide 100% of the school related needs of a child from Honduras. These needs include uniforms for school, specific sports clothing for P.E. classes, matriculation fees, and maintenance fees. These fees plus basic school supplies place formal education out of the reach of many children. Visit them at http://www.becasconbendiciones.com/.
One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering that makes the love of Christ real for individuals and communities around the world who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict, or severe economic hardship, and for those who serve them through gifts of money and time. The funds provide disaster relief, refugee assistance, development aid, and more. Learn more at onegreathourofsharing.org/.
For more information about adult missions, contact the church office at 262-251-3830.