Worship Services
Emmanuel Community UMC offers two styles of worship each Sunday. Each style of worship gives believers an opportunity to learn more about their faith, to grow spiritually, and to experience the presence of God in different ways.
Sanctuary Worship Service
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Our sanctuary worship service is grounded in the historic traditions of the church. Scripture, a sermon by one of our pastors, and liturgical responses shared by the entire congregation are all part of this experience. Music is led by one of our music groups and other special music on occasion. Hymns are sung together and accompanied by organ or piano.

Celebration Worship Service
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Our celebration worship service offers opportunities for adults, children and teens to come before God in a setting that allows for interaction, exploration and round-table discussions of the message for the day. Special music offerings are shared occasionally by one of our music groups or other musicians. Modern hymns and Contemporary Christian Songs are sung together, accompanied by music videos.
Special Worship Services
Special services are offered throughout the year on holy days such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Christmas Eve, and select other times. Information about these services can be found on the church calendar or by contacting the church office at 262-251-3830.

The United Methodist Church celebrates two sacraments: Holy Communion and Baptism.
Learn more about sacraments in the United Methodist Church at What We Believe.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month (and on other special occasions) in both the Sanctuary and Celebration worship services. The Communion elements consist of bread and unfermented grape juice. Gluten-free bread is available.
The United Methodist Church practices an “open table,” which means you do not need to be a member of our congregation or the United Methodist Church to receive the sacrament.
Baptisms are scheduled by arrangement. For more information, contact the church office at 262-251-3830.
From time to time, a Remembrance of Baptism is celebrated as part of both the sanctuary and celebration worship services.

Weddings and Funerals
Weddings and funerals are scheduled by arrangement. For more information, contact the church office at 262-251-3830.
Worship Services
Emmanuel Community UMC offers two styles of worship each Sunday. Each style of worship gives believers an opportunity to learn more about their faith, to grow spiritually, and to experience the presence of God in different ways.

Sanctuary Worship Service
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Our sanctuary worship service is grounded in the historic traditions of the church. Scripture, a sermon by one of our pastors, and liturgical responses shared by the entire congregation are all part of this experience. Music is led by one of our music groups and other special music on occasion. Hymns are sung together and accompanied by organ or piano.

Celebration Worship Service
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Our celebration worship service offers opportunities for adults, children and teens to come before God in a setting that allows for interaction, exploration and round-table discussions of the message for the day. Special music offerings are shared occasionally by one of our music groups or other musicians. Modern hymns and Contemporary Christian Songs are sung together, accompanied by music videos.

Special Worship Services
Special services are offered throughout the year on holy days such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Christmas Eve, and select other times. Information about these services can be found on the church calendar [Link: Calendar Widget] or by contacting the church office at 262-251-3830.
The United Methodist Church celebrates two sacraments: Holy Communion and Baptism.
Learn more about sacraments in the United Methodist Church at What We Believe.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month (and on other special occasions) in both the Sanctuary and Celebration worship services. The Communion elements consist of bread and unfermented grape juice. Gluten-free bread is available.
The United Methodist Church practices an “open table,” which means you do not need to be a member of our congregation or the United Methodist Church to receive the sacrament.

Baptisms are scheduled by arrangement. For more information, contact the church office at 262-251-3830.
From time to time, a Remembrance of Baptism is celebrated as part of both the sanctuary and celebration worship services.
Weddings and Funerals
Weddings and funerals are scheduled by arrangement. For more information, contact the church office at 262-251-3830.